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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1971. Home Economics Area.


Copyright 1971, the author. Used by permission.


This study was undertaken because of the investigator’s concern about the lack of information in the area of consumer fraud and the recent development individualized learning systems. The study examined the knowledge of 59 college home economics women students attending the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and 76 home extension club women from Dawson County, Nebraska.

The study had the following purposes:

(1) To examine current knowledge levels of learning in the following areas of consumer fraud of college home economics women students and home extension club women:

a. false advertising and false labeling

b. misrepresentation of prices

c. bait advertising and switch

d. something for nothing

e. selling under false pretenses,

(2) To examine knowledge, comprehension and application levels of learning about fraud after respondents are exposed to the individualized learning packet materials,

(3) To determine if individualized learning packet produces a significant change in the knowledge, comprehension and application levels of learning concerning consumer fraud.

Designing the study involved developing an examination, individualized learning packet, and background questionnaire; selecting the sample; and collecting the data. A one hundred question examination was written with fifty true-false questions and fifty multiple-choice questions. An individualized learning packet, consisting of learning objectives, media including two Changing Times magazine articles, and a self-test was developed. The background questionnaire was constructed primarily of closed-end questions to gain factual information and to serve as a guide to studying the influence affecting the respondents’ knowledge of consumer fraud.

Advisor: Florence S. Walker
