Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


First Advisor

Sheldon L. Stick

Second Advisor

Thomas L. Layton

Date of this Version


Document Type



A PAPER Presented to the Faculty of The College of Arts and Sciences The University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Department of Speech and Dramatic Art (Speech Pathology and Audiology), Under the Supervision of Professor Sheldon L. Stick And Thomas L. Layton, Lincoln, Nebraska: March, 1975

Copyright (c) 1975 Rebecca L. Arkebauer Haynes


Syntactic cues are provided in the linguistic constructions of a language. A test was developed by Stick, Sharifi, and Miller (1974) to assess a child's competence for the following linguistic constructions I (1) active constructions; (2) singular/plural inflections for nouns and verbs; (3) passive constructions; (4) negative/affirmative constructions and the negative affix. Data from this study revealed a pattern of increasing comprehension by are within each construction. There 'was minimal difference in the results of the male and female subjects, however, males generally received higher overall scores.

The objective of this study was to gather further normative data from preschool aged children for the above test of linguistic constructions, and to subjectively evaluate the validity of the various items.

Advisors: Sheldon L. Stick And Thomas L. Layton
