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Thesis (M.S.)--University of Nebraska--Lincoln, 1964. Department of Agronomy.


Copyright 1964, the author. Used by permission.


Amiben (3-amino-2, 5-dichlorobenzoic acid) at 2 to 3 lb/A gives selective control of annual weeds when used as a preemergence treatment in soybeans and several other crops. The persistence of herbicides such as amiben is of considerable importance to the user. The herbicide must persist long enough to give one month or possibly seasonal weed control, but not so long that it carries over into the following year. Where crop rotation is practiced this is particularly important as the residual herbicide in the soil may be phytotoxic to the following crop. Even when a crop rotation is not used a residual herbicide may build up with repeated applications over years and reduce crop yield. The persistence of herbicides is of interest to the public as well as the user. The recent interest in the potential danger to humans and wildlife from pesticide residues has been stimulated by the book, Silent Spring, written by the late Rachel Carson. It is hoped that this interest and awareness of potential health hazards will be turned into an elucidation of the eventual fate of pesticides rather than the banning of a useful tool in agriculture.

Advisor: Orvin C. Burnside.
