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Thesis (M.A.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1954. Department of English.


Copyright 1954, the author. Used by permission.


This thesis looks at the Christian thought and themes found in works by Gilbert Keith Chesterton.The author discusses Chesterton’s verbal trading of blows with famous contemporaries such as H.G Wells and more often, Bernard Shaw.Chesterton made arguments regarding the first World War, domestic difficulties, patriotism, imperialism, evolution to name a few of the matters the author describes Chesterton’s viewpoints on, illustrated through examining arguments made between Chesterton and Bernard Shaw through contemporary journalism. The author then focuses on commentary Chesterton made on contemporary thinkers who condemned orthodoxy and argues that those contradictory findings made my Chersterdon’s own observations led him to argue in favor of Christianity and the author argues led Chesterdon to become an important and influential writer and propagandist for Traditional Christian thought.

Advisor: Thomas M. Raysor
