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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1952. Department of Vocational Education.


Copyright 1952, the author. Used by permission.


The purpose of this study was to examine the high schools of Gage County to determine if, in their then present state of organization, they were able to offer vocational agriculture to a large percent of the farm boys of high school age in Gage County. This study examines the reasons why vocational agriculture is not offered to more farm boys in Gage county, the characteristics of Nebraska high schools that offer vocational agriculture to their students, and suggests goals toward which the various public high schools of Gage County may strive in order that they may be able to offer vocational training of an agricultural nature to most of the high school boys of the county.

This study was centered about the fourteen public high schools in Gage County and certain relationships between these high schools and the approximately one hundred and twenty elementary school districts in Gage County.The descriptive method of investigation was used in this study.The study centered about the collection of statistical data from reliable sources and the interpretation of this data in relation to the extension of vocational agriculture in Gage County. The data was secured from a variety of reliable sources which included: The Gage County Annual Statistical Report for the year of 1949-1950, Nebraska Educational Directories which are published annually by the State of Nebraska Department of Public Instruction, Annual reports obtained from the Office of the County Superintendent of Schools of Gage County, and The State Conference Report for the year 1950-1951.

The author of this study came to several conclusions based on the data examined.Among them were the great variation in the educational opportunities offered to the Gage County high school students by the Gage County high schools and that less than half of the farm boys of the county had the opportunity to enroll in vocational agriculture courses in high schools.

Advisor: C.C. Minteer
