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Thesis (M.A.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1951. Department of Educational Psychology and Measurements.


Copyright 1951, the author. Used by permission.


The main purpose of this study was to draw a comparison between Mortar Board members and a Control Group made up of persons not so recognized to determine how the amount and type of later community participation differed.

The names of all University of Nebraska Mortar Boards from the years 1921 through 1949 were obtained from yearbooks and records.In order to have manageable numbers to work with every third name was selected.Each Control was chosen on the basis of the same year of graduation, the same college, and a scholastic average for senior year within three points, (or one half scaled score in 1949 when the grading system was changed) of a particular Mortar Board member.Of the 115 Mortar Boards and 115 Controls originally selected, 94 Mortar Boards and 68 Controls returned the initial postal cards stating that they would cooperate in the study.To these were sent questionnaires and 86 Mortar Boards and 59 Controls filled out the questionnaires and returned them.

On the basis of this study, it was shown that the Mortar Boards did hold a slight edge over the controls in several instances—i.e., number of community activities, positions held, and willingness to cooperate in research.These differences, however, were slight in every case.Let it suffice to state that on the basis of this study there is evidence that a large amount of participation in college activities has some bearing on the later life of the participant concerning amount and type of community participation and concerning other less related things, but the difference is not nearly as great as one might expect, or as impressive as the supporters of a broad and intense college activity program might desire.

Advisor: Warren R. Baller
