Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1952. Department of Vocational Education.
The specific purposes of this study are:
To compare the intangible factors with the teachers’ satisfactions with school conditions.
To compare the tangible factors with the teachers satisfactions with school conditions.
To determine how the attitudes of the Nebraska vocational homemaking teachers toward school conditions in 1950-1951 compare with their attitudes in 1946-1947.
To determine to what extend adequate equipment is available in the vocational homemaking departments of Nebraska.
To determine the condition of the equipment which is available.
To compare the adequacy and condition of the equipment to the teachers’ satisfactions with school conditions.
A questionnaire was used to secure the data for this problem.It was devised to secure facts related to the school conditions as well as to get the teachers’ general attitudes toward those school conditions. Parts of the factual information were the same as those used in the questionnaire for the national study “Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Home Economics Teachers,” which was used in collecting data in February, 1947. These items concerned size of town, size of schools and number enrolled in home- making classes, living arrangements, marital status, family responsibilities, teachers’ plans for next year, provision for tenure, amount of study beyond the bachelor’s degree, type of homemaking program and provisions for improving the department.Certain other information not included in the 1946-1947 study was asked for which, it was assumed, might influence ones attitude toward the school conditions. This additional information included number of students in largest and smallest classes, whether or not homemaking is required, subjects other than homemaking taught by the homemaking teacher, number of visits of supervisors, outside class activities of the homemaking teachers, superintendent’s attitude towards home economics, and year the teacher last attended college or University.
The final draft of the questionnaire used for this study was checked and approved by the members of the Department of Vocational Education at the University of Nebraska and by the Nebraska State and Assistant State Supervisors of Vocational Homemaking Education.
During the year 1950-1951 there were ninety-six vocational homemaking departments with teachers, two departments were not able to secure a teacher and so were inoperative at the time this study was made.Usable data were collected from eighty-five teachers or 88.5 per cent of the vocational homemaking departments.
Advisor: Florence Corbin
Copyright 1952, the author. Used by permission.