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Thesis (M.Ed.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1962. Department of Educational Psychology and Measurement.


Copyright 1962, the author. Used by permission.


The maximum opportunity available must be, and use made of, the country’s number one raw material—its children.Toward this end, through educational, vocational, and personal counseling and guidance, the school counselor plays a significant part.Thus, it is extremely important for the counselor to possess personal qualities which enable him or her to function at maximum efficiency.

These characteristics must be identified, not only for the awareness of today’s counselor’s, but, also, for the selection of personnel to enter the counselor trainee programs and become the counselors of tomorrow.

Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the responses of students and teachers toward counselors who were rated as highly proficient.Special emphasis was placed upon the following objectives:

(1) Make a profile on the strengths and weaknesses of successful counselors.

(2) Determine if the students and the teachers perceive the same personal characteristics for an ideal counselor than the counselor does.

(3) See if the students and teachers agree on the ideal, actual, and least important counselor personal characteristics.

(4) Hypothesize the possible high degree of correlation between student selected characteristics of an ideal counselor and of counselors rated as successful.

(5) Find out if different groupings of students would respond to the same counselor in the same way.

(6) Figure out if students respond differently to counselors with different patterns of personal characteristics.

Advisor:Donald O. Clifton
