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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1959. Department of Animal Husbandry.
One hundred eight good to choice quality Hereford calves were used in this work to study the effect of shelter, protein supplement, and stilbestrol on the gains of growing calves.
These 108 calves were divided into twelve lots of nine head each.During the experiment one calf in lot 12 died.The feed data were adjusted and results are given for eight head in this lot.
The 12 lots were divided into 3 groups of 4 lots each, and these groups were fed in 3 different locations, designated as windbreak, east shed and west shed.There were two pairs of two lots of calves in each location.One pair received soybean oil meal and one soybean oil meal plus dehydrated alfalfa meal and one lot of each pair also received 10 milligrams of stilbestrol per head daily.The sheds were 32 x 120 feet in size and were divided into five pens, 24 x 24 feet in size with an alley along the north wall.These sheds were open to the south.They opened into lots which were 24 x 150 feet in size.The windbreak was made of sheet iron eight feet high and 114 feet long.It protected six lots approximately 24 x 180 feet in size.
These 12 lots were fed a basic ration consisting of corn silage and 4.0 pounds rolled barley per head daily.Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, 12, and 13 received soybean oil meal, and lots 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, and 16 received soybean oil meal plus dehydrated alfalfa and lots 2, 6, 8, 11, 13, and 16 received stilbestrol and the others did not.
The effect of feeding stilbestrol on the gains of these calves was found to be significant.However, the gain differences between protein supplements were found to be nonsignificant.
The interaction between protein supplement and stilbestrol feeding, shelter and stilbestrol feeding and shelter and protein supplement also were not significant.
The only highly significant difference in average daily gains was found between locations, and this significant difference was between calves in the windbreak lots and calves in the east shed lots and between the calves in the west shed and the east shed lots.
Since the two sheds were identical in size and construction and located side by side, the reason for the difference in performance of calves in them is not apparent.
Advisor: Marvel L. Baker
Copyright 1959, the author. Used by permission.