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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1961. Department of Home Economics.


Copyright 1961, the author. Used by permission.


This study has been designed to determine the methods by which the colleges and universities in the United States are meeting the needs of married students enrolled in the Home Management Residence Course.By a study of this type it is hoped that the problem of married students in the home management residence may be brought to the attention of those interested in considering a solution regarding their own particular residence situation.

A written questionnaire was used to secure the data for this study.The questionnaire was composed of approximately 53 questions, some of which were to be answered by a check mark and some by short comments.Considerable effort was made to insure validity by pre-testing and re-drafting the questions.A pre-test was conducted in which the draft was sent to nine home management instructors located at different points in the United States.Personal comments and suggestions were invited on the pre-test.By consideration of these comments and the various answers to the questions, the final draft of the questionnaire was composed.

The questionnaire studies the problem in two parts.While the investigator was particularly interested in obtaining information regarding the role of married students, she felt it was necessary to see it in relation to the total picture.Because of this, questions were asked regarding the entire home management residence procedure.The first part deals with general information such as availability of residence, credits received, facilities, money management, and homemaking procedures.The role of the house adviser is part of this general information because the adviser’s time and work load are important factors in relation to advising married students and their projects.The second part of this questionnaire deals with the married students.

Since the University of Nebraska is a land grant college, the investigator chose to use the 68 land grant colleges and universities of the United States in this study. The questionnaire was sent to each dean or chairman of Home Economics along with a letter. Sixty-one questionnaires were returned which meant 90 percent of the participating universities fully or partially reported facts concerning the role of both married and single women students in the home management residences.

Advisor: Florence McKinney
