Architecture Program


Date of this Version

Spring 5-4-2012

Document Type



This project is a critique on current sustainable practices and looks to create a better system for sustainability that can build upon itself, serve as a progressive system for future use, and ultimately offer a means for self sustaining cities. The current standards for sustainability are far from being progressive or even par for current needs. The means in which buildings are evaluated and means in which sustainability is thought of is very limited, and has lost sight of fundamental goals. A new system in which sustainability is not thought of on as a one off building, but on a city wide system is needed.

The performing arts center will serve as a prototype for the new sustainability system, which will not only be used as a catalyst to inject life back into the south Haymarket area, but also as the technological and sustainable standard for future performing arts centers. The current working habits and energy consumption of performing arts centers and other similar building types fail to even register on the current sustainability scale. It is not only our duty as architects but as admirers of the arts to help preserve them. The fact that most performing arts centers and convention centers seem to be exempt from the basic standards of sustainability is ludicrous.

In creating an educational pilot program in the south Haymarket neighborhood, it will create not only public interest in the area which will be key in the rejuvenating the area. The disjunction between the buildings ability to perform as its ability to work as a contributing member of the city is a key concern in this project.

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Architecture Commons
