Architecture Program


First Advisor

Sonya Turkman

Date of this Version

Summer 8-2022


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science, Major: Architecture, Under the Supervision of Professor Sonya Turkman. Lincoln, Nebraska: August, 2022

Copyright © 2022 Rachel Lantz


Interior design undergraduate programs must continually address current software available as drafting and modeling platforms. In addition to preparing students to successfully use these programs, educators also have to consider the creative design process and accreditation standards set to ensure students complete their undergraduate degree prepared for a career in interior design. A concern many design faculty share is what technology, including hardware, software, and apps to feature and how to properly implement those technologies into the design curriculum.

This research project aims to review and evaluate criteria for interior design student work to determine if the outcomes match expectations of practicing design professionals. The objective is to rank which skills are most important for students to develop and display in portfolios. The resulting data may help design educators in the planning of future curriculum standards, specifically how technology training is best balanced with other skills needed for emerging interior designers.

Advisor: Sonya Turkman
