Architecture Program



Jeffrey Bayer

Date of this Version

May 2006

Document Type



M. Arch. Thesis, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, May 2006.


The problem with many cities today is the lack of transportation options. Our society believes and enforces that the only way to get somewhere is by car. Mass transit is seen as dirty and bad, and we are just too lazy to walk. It is also next to impossible to walk from place to place most of the city; everything is just too far apart. This is the case when cities are made of suburbs and big box developments. The ability to implement an alternative transit system is severely inhibited by this style of development. The urban core, or downtown of these cities are still alive and in many cases showing new signs of life. The real problem lies with how to connect people to this core and how to connect these cores together. There needs to be central node for multiple systems to converge and feed the city. The density of these downtown areas creates a perfect place to locate such a node.

One day Lincoln will need a multi-modal transportation system. The streets and cars cannot support Lincoln or any city forever. The creation of a transit system can help drive transit oriented development. At the center of this system, or systems, will be a center that will allow people to transfer from one system to another. A person could travel from south Lincoln to the multi-modal center and then transfer onto a large system that will take them to another city such as Omaha. This center will help downtown Lincoln grow stronger by providing a destination that connects the urban core of Lincoln to its surroundings. Along with downtown Lincoln growing stops along the new transportation corridors will grow because of these new influences.

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