Architecture Program


Date of this Version

May 2006

Document Type



M. Arch Thesis, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, May 2006.


The main objective of this project is to successfully design a middle school in downtown Omaha Nebraska. With the development of nearly a dozen condominiums in the downtown Omaha area, representing over 400 units, (Omaha World Herald 11-29-2004) there presents a need for a middle school that is currently missing in the downtown area.

Downtown Omaha currently has an elementary school and a high school in the area. A middle school downtown will complete the educational infrastructure in the downtown area.

The majority of the school population will be students living in the area, but also will accommodate those families who have one or more parents working in the downtown area. Schools that incorporate students from the area as well as commuters have not only seen test scores go up, but desegregation is also a consequence of the system.

This school will also investigate alternative ideologies of teaching. The typical middle school classroom is based on the principle of teacher/student, Where the teacher stands in front of the class and lectures the students, then test them on what they have been given. This school instead will investigate ideologies such as:

cognitive coaching which is based on the idea that metacognition-or being aware of one’s own thinking processes- fosters independence in learning. By providing personal insights into the learner’s own thinking processes, cognitive coaching builds flexible, confident problem-solving skills. Plus, it encourages self-efficacy and pride. *

instructional technology which is using computers, CD-ROMs, interactive media, modems, satellites, teleconferencing, and other technological means to support learning. *

thematic instruction which the organization of a curriculum around macro “themes.” Thematic instruction integrates basic disciplines like reading, math, and science with the exploration of a broad subject, such as communities, rain forests, river basins, the use of energy, and so on.*

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