Architecture Program


Date of this Version

Spring 5-9-2009

Document Type



Intent for the project was generated by gaining an understanding of world societies and the volatile nature of the systems that help to structure them. The consumptive attitude of the world and its people has, up until now, been fed by the abundant resources of the planet, but current trends show a planet that is no longer capable of supporting these attitudes. Many different steps have been taken to alleviate the current issues, but most of them focus on developing ways in which people can continue to act as they have in the past while not causing environmental damage. People seem to be concerned about the state of the world, but it also seems that they are unwilling to give up certain luxuries that they have grown accustomed to.

Initial ideas surrounding the projected involved the desire to create a system that forced people to rethink the way in which they go about living. A restructuring of culture in a sense. The consumptive attitude of people in certain societies helps in the expansion of economy and increased standards of living, but also helps to promote environmental degradation. In recent years, this knowledge has become overtly present in the media, but living trends have not been substantially changed as a result. These trends leave many wondering when or even if people will ever rethink their existence. Perhaps the people are to much a part of the broken system to escape, maybe something needs to happen that forces them out and shocks them into action.

The initial focus of the project revolves around the restructuring of the systems that govern societies. The proposal becomes and individual manifestation of this idea in a more specific context.

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Architecture Commons
