Architecture Program


First Advisor

Ted Ertl

Second Advisor

Gordon Scholz

Committee Members

Ted Ertl, Gordon Scholz, Katherine Ankerson, Rodrigo Canterero, Ed Zimmer

Date of this Version


Document Type



A professional project presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degrees of Master of Architecture and Master of Community and Regional Planning

Faculty Advisory Committee: Professor Ted Ertl, Co-Chair; Professor Gordon Scholz, Co-Chair; Professor Katherine Ankerson; Professor Rodrigo Canterero; External Advisor: Ed Zimmer, Historic Preservation Planner, Lincoln-Lancaster County Planning Department

Lincoln, Nebraska, May 2009


Copyright (c) 2009, Troy A. Einspahr


The former Chicago and North-Western Railroad Freight Depot in Fremont, Nebraska, designed by Frost and Granger, sits empty, next to the railroad yards at the southern edge of the downtown area. The surrounding area contains commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential uses. The one-hundred year-old depot is significant because of its history and its architecture and because it is one of the most substantial buildings adjacent to the railroad yards. The preservation objectives require an adaptive reuse.

The intent of this project was to investigate how the historic preservation of a significant building can affect the preservation and revitalization of the surrounding area. The first section of the document looks at the history of the community, area, and the building. The next section looks at the surrounding area and the building from an economic perspective. The following section looks at proposed plans for the area and the specific plans for preservation and adaptive reuse this building. The rehabilitation of the depot, in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, resulted in a mixed-use building containing two restaurants, a bar, retail space, and office space. The plan for the surrounding area proposed many projects of varying sizes and types that may contribute to the revitalization of the area. The last section is a conclusion which evaluates the plans for the depot and the area. The plans for the depot and the surrounding area are envisioned to serve as a guide for rehabilitating the depot and revitalizing the area, while preserving their history and character.

Advisors: Ted Ertl and Gordon Scholz

Included in

Architecture Commons
