Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



Appleman, R.D. and Micke, C.F. (1973) Motion and time studies of milking parlors and routines (Research Bulletin No. 253)


ISSN 0161-3816


This study defines and describes the parameters of milking in both the elevated side-opening and herringbone style milking parlor. Included in this "motion and time" study are measurements of differences in milking routines or techniques, as well as the probable contribution of certain mechanical aids, including both crowd gates and group-washing systems. Milker (men) differences are also identified. Detailed measurements of time requirements for specific milking activities or chores are expensive to obtain. Very limited data are found in the scientific literature. This bulletin is published to supply resource data which may be used in planning milking parlors or as "input" data in computer simulations, thereby allowing researchers to characterize the relationship of milking techniques and adequacy of milking without the construction of a specific milking system.
