"Distillers' By-products and Soybean Meal in Dry Calf Starters for Calv" by H. P. Davis and G. W. Trimberger

Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



Davis, H.P. and Trimberger, G.W. (1946) Distillers' by-products and soybean meal in dry calf starters for calves on limited quantities of milk (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 142)


ISSN 0097-1473


Whole milk is recognized to be very satisfactory as the principal source of nutrients for young growing calves. But the price of milk and its importance as food for human beings has tended to introduce the use of substitutes. Skim milk has been demonstrated to be a satisfactory substitute when fed with grain after the first few weeks of feeding; but since skim milk, too, has become of increased usefulness for human nutrition, this experiment, one of a series, was designed to determine whether or not combinations of various grains, when fortified with vitamins, could be substituted for the solids of skim milk.
