Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



Van Es, L. and McGrath, C.B. (1942) Swine erysipelas. Revised edition of Research Bulletin 84 (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 128)


ISSN 0097-1459


Because of the more or less frequent occurrence of swine erysipelas on Nebraska farms it seemed proper that information on this subject be made available in the form of a Station publication, especially written to serve as a reference for veterinarians, who naturally are first appealed to when an as yet relatively strange disease appears among a herd of swine. Hence the text is written in a technical form for the sake of precision. In the preparation of the text the literature of countries in which for many years the disease has constituted a permanent problem has been freely consulted. It seemed wise to profit from the vast experience therein recorded without losing sight of the nature of your local situation and its as yet peculiar requirements.
