Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



Keim, F.D., Frolik, A.L. and Beadle, G.W. (1932) Studies of prairie hay in north central Nebraska (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 60)


ISSN 0097-1391


During five years, 1924-1928, Nebraska ranked first among the states in the production of prairie hay. Approximately 2,500,000 tons were grown annually during this period. In acreage utilized, wild hay ranked third among the field crops of Nebraska. As a forage crop in the state, prairie hay ranked first in acreage, but second to alfalfa in production. The purpose of this bulletin is to report studies made of the botanical structure and yields of the native hay meadows during a period of four years, 1926-1929, in the most prominent prairie hay producing section of the state. Four counties in this area, Holt, Rock, Brown, and Cherry, produced 29.1 per cent of the prairie hay crop of the state in 1928. These studies are divided into three parts: first, the relation of the depth of the ground-water level to the botanical structure and yield of vegetation; second, the structure of the more important plant communities contributing to the production of prairie hay; and third, the effects of seeding tame or cultivated legumes and grasses upon the yield and quality of native hay meadows.
