Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



Baragar, Arnold E. (1942) An analysis of pressure gasoline and pressure kerosene stoves (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 127)


ISSN 0097-1458


During the past few years inquiries have been received regarding the cost of operation, efficiency, and performance of pressure gasoline and pressure kerosene stoves. Because of the method of operation and the use of gasoline as fuel, safety from fire and carbon monoxide has been frequently questioned. Not only is it necessary to have technical information about this type of appliance in order to compare it with other types but it is further important to know whether one type of burner is superior to another; whether one type of oven construction will give better results than another and in general what factors affect the performance of these stoves. Since the necessary information was not available, this investigation was inaugurated to secure data of technical nature that could be used to analyze this type of appliance with regard to safety, efficiency, and general performance.
