Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


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Ackerson, C.W., Blish, M.J. and Mussehl, F.E. (1937). The utilization of food elements by growing chicks. II. A comparison of protein concentrates from single and multiple sources (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 94)


ISSN 0097-1425


1. The effect of adding to a basal ration a protein concentrate consisting of meat scraps alone was compared with one made up of a mixture of meat scraps, fish meal, and dried buttermilk by means of growth and body-analysis experiments. 2. The percentages of nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus contained in the chicks of the lot fed the mixture of three proteins were slightly higher than those found in the lot fed meat scraps as the concentrate. 3. The percentage rate of gain and the gain per gram of nitrogen fed were greater in the lot fed the mixture of proteins as the concentrate. 4. The retention of nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus was greater by the chicks of the lot fed the mixture of meat scraps, fish meal, and dried buttermilk.
