Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



Hathaway, I.L., Davis, H.P. and Graves, R.R. (1932) The vitamin A and the vitamin E content of field-cured and artificially cured alfalfa hay (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 62)


ISSN 0097-1393


A comparative study of the vitamin A content of field-cured and artificially cured alfalfa was made by comparing the growth produced by 124 rats receiving alfalfa hay as their source of vitamin A. From the results of this study, in which the experiments were duplicated, it is concluded that under the conditions of these experiments the artificially cured alfalfa was twice as potent in vitamin A as was the field-cured alfalfa. The comparative study of the vitamin E content of these hays was made by comparing the number of litters produced by groups of female rats which received graded quantities of either field-cured or artificially cured alfalfa as their source of vitamin E. It is concluded that the artificial drying of the alfalfa tended to preserve its vitamin E content to a greater degree than did field curing.
