Agricultural Research Division of IANR



Date of this Version


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Cover Picture-Dr. Ephriam Hixson, Experiment Station entomolO

Soils Research Erosion Control and Moisture Conservation, Soil Microbiology and Crop Residue Management, Heavy Minerals in Scott Silt Loam, Soil Structure, Phosphorus in an Irrigated Tripp Soil, Properties of Sandy Soils in Northeastern Nebraska, Soil Factors Influencing Sugar Content of Sugar BPets, Commercial Fertilizers for Sugar Beets, Relation of Soil Nitrification Rate and Nitrogen Content of the Corn Leaf to Corn Yield, Fertilizers for Irrigated Corn, Fertilizers for Winter Wheat, Anhydrous Ammonia for Winter Wheat.

Field Crops Research Corn Improvement, Annual Variations in Corn Yield and Weather, Sorghum Improvement, Improvement of Small Grains, Cultural Practices in Winter Wheat Production, Adaptation and Improvement of Grasses, Sweetclover Improvement, Varietal Tests of Red Clover, Alfalfa Improvement, Soybean Varieties, Improvement and Testing of Special Chemurgic Crops, Weed Control Research, Outstate Testing Program.

Horticultural Creps Food Value of Nebraska-Grown Vegetables, Vegetable Variety Tests, Tomato Breeding, Potato Breeding, Potato Storage, Quality-Price Relationship of Retail Potatoes, Fruit Breeding, Supplemental Water for Eastern Nebraska Orchards, Soil Moisture in a Vineyard, Orchard Spraying, Fruit-Stocks Investigations, Outstate Testing.

Plant Diseases Bean Diseases, Cereal Diseases, Fungus Flora of Grasses in Nebraska, Potato Diseases, Sugar Beet Diseases, Bacterial Host-Parasite Relationshios, Virus Diseases, Vegetable Seed Treatments, Plant Disease Survey.

Chemical Investigations in Agriculture Nutritive Value of Legume Seeds, Castor Bean Oil Meal, Animal Protein Factor, Production of Vitamins by Molds, Proteolysis in Wheat Flour Doughs, Factors Involved in Bread Staling, Photomicrographic Study of Starch Gelatinization.

Insect Control Experiments Insect Surveys and Outlook for 1949, Livestock Parasite Experiments, Field Crop Insects, Potato Insects, Miscellaneous Insects.

Cattle, Hogs and Sheep Cattle Feeding Investigations, Management of Brome-Alfalfa Pasture, Improvement of Beef Cattle Through Breeding, Improvement of DualPurpose Cattle Through Breeding, Meat Investigations, Systems of Breeding for Swine Improvement, Swine Nutrition, Sheep Investigations.

Dairy Production and Manufacture Improvement of Dairy Cattle, Improvement of Dairy Products.

Poultry Nutrition and Management Rations for Poultry, Improvement of Strains, Turkey Production, Egg Washing Studies, Packaging Materials for Frozen Poultry.

Animal Diseases Swine Erysipelas, Neoplastic and Neoplastic-like Diseases of the Chicken, Death Losses in Young Pigs, Pathogenesis of Listerellosis, Diagnostic Laboratory.

Agricultural Engineering Farm Equipment, Farm Machinery, Drying Grain and Hay.

Studies in Rural Economics Cost of Producing Farm Crops, Farm Organization and Farm Income, Marketing, Effects of Changing to Soil Conservation, Land Tenure, Agricultural Production Capacity in Nebraska, Agricultural Credit, Land Use Adjustment, Classification of Land to Determine Value for Tax Purposes, Trends and Changes Affecting Rural Schools.

Home Economics Nutrition Research, Household Equipment, Family Life Research.

The Substations Valentine, Box Butte, Scottsbluff, North Platte.

Experiment Station Publications

Administration and Staff

Experiment Station Financial Report
