""Introduction" to <i>Crossroads: Frankfurt am Main as Market for North" by Miriam Hall Kirch, Birgit Ulrike Münch et al.

Art, Art History and Design, School of


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From: Crossroads: Frankfurt am Main as Market for Northern Art 1500–1800, ed. Miriam Hall Kirch, Birgit Ulrike Münch, & Alison G. Stewart (Petersburg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2019).

ISBN 978-3-7319-0396-3


Copyright ©2019 Michael Imhof Verlag GmbH & Co. KG


Table of Contents Inhaltsverzeichnis

Simple curiosity has sparked many a book, and that is true of this book, too. We wanted to know what role Frankfurt am Main played in the rise of the commercial art market in general and in particular of painting and printmaking during the early modern period. We were surprised to find no ready answer to our question, for although the Frankfurt Book Fair remains a major publishing event, art historians have not yet focused sufficiently on its precursor, the Frankfurt fair, an important location for the trade in paintings and prints. Frankfurt's hub function as a city conveniently situated between Antwerp and Nuremberg has often been pointed out, but not the specific characteristics of the Frankfurt art market, the painters, printers, and art dealers. The patchy scholarship we encountered led to even more questions. What figures and what motives brought artists to Frankfurt and where did they come from? Where did visitors stay, and how might they have experienced the city? Who intersected with the art market in such areas as commerce or book and intaglio printing? What did elite culture in the city look like, and how did it tie Frankfurt to wider intellectual and artistic circles? How did changing the location of the imperial coronation from Aachen to Frankfurt in 1562 with coronation feasts, ephemeral art, and new visitors influence the art market? Seeking answers, we issued a call for papers to be presented at the 2015 meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA) in Berlin. Some of the papers from the three panels of our Historians of Netherlandish Art (HNA)-sponsored session appear here, and others originated with a symposium organized by Prof. Dr. Jochen Sander and Dr. Berit Wagner in July of that year at the Kunstgeschichtliches Institut of the Goethe-Universitat in Frankfurt. Still other contributions are responses to a second call we issued later that year. We wanted our contributors to paint a clearer picture of Frankfurt and its art market(s) from 1500-1800, especially with regards to the fair.

Authors' Biographies I Viten der Autoren
