"Esprit de Corps" by Shalbey L. Workman

Art, Art History and Design, School of


Esprit de Corps

Document Type



Copyright (c) 2016 Shalbey L. Workman.

Artwork and trailer are in zipped archive attached below.


UCARE Funding Application

Studio Assistant

Shalbey Workman

As a transfer student with an Associate’s Degree in photography from Metropolitan Community College, I am continuing my education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln by emphasizing in Photography while earning my BFA in Studio Arts.

I am currently taking a lighting class with Photography Professor Walker Pickering, whose enthusiasm and strict guidelines are beneficial to my artistic career. Professor Pickering knows the ins and outs of being a professional photographer from a business standpoint, as well as the conceptual side of fine art. He has solo exhibitions in New York, Texas, Ohio, and Georgia. He has been in many group exhibitions all over the world as well as featured in magazines, and interviews. I believe he will give me the proper criticism and advice that I need to push my work further.

With UCARE funding I will assist Professor Pickering with post-production tasks and behind-the-scenes work such as, scanning negatives, cataloging image files, printing, and framing work to be shown. Through this Studio-Assistantship I will also learn the formal tasks associated with being a working photographer which include (but are not limited to): grant-writing, applying and submitting to shows, developing the language to talk about a body of work, and networking with other photographers in the field.


  • I will learn and assist Professor Pickering in scanning film, and cataloging image files to a database.
  • Learn how to write grants to fund my own work.
  • Investigate the best ways to print and improve my print quality.
  • How to professionally submit work and prepare my own work for exhibition.
  • Attend networking events such as the regional and national Society for Photographic Education conferences with regional is in Louisville Kentucky, and national in Las Vegas Nevada.
  • I also plan to apply for UCARE a second time to create a new body of work.
  • With my body of work I plan to have a show in the Medici Gallery as well as submitting work to other shows (undergraduate show, 16x16x16, annual photo club show, etc.), participating in portfolio reviews and portfolio walk through.

ucare_presentation2.key (79987 kB)
Photographs & trailer

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