"The Imperial Temple at Antiochia ad Cragum: Aspects of Architecture a" by Geraldine S. Dobos

Art, Art History and Design, School of


Date of this Version

Summer 4-7-2014

Document Type



Dobos, Geraldine S. The Imperial Temple at Antiochia ad Cragum: Aspects of Architecture and Iconography, 2014


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts, Major: Art History, Under the Supervision of Professor Michael C. Hoff. Lincoln, Nebraska: April, 2014

Copyright 2014 Geraldine Dobos


Along the northeastern Mediterranean shore lies Antiochia ad Cragum, an ancient city located in the western area of the Roman province of Rough Cilicia. It is now known as the village of Guney, in southern Turkey. The Northeast Temple is the first Imperial structure at Antiochia that has been revealed in its entirety and its reconstruction is anticipated. This excavation by the University of Nebraska (Antiochia ad Cragum Archaeological Research Project, or ACARP), is directed by UNL Professor Michael Hoff.

The hypothetical reconstruction of the Northeast Temple’s geison course, which I present, emphasizes certain diagnostic features that may be used to estimate the original length of the structure. Additionally, a comparison of parallel temples in Asia Minor, Syria, Israel, Palestine, and Greece, suggests that the vertical and horizontal sequence and the sculptural style of the Northeast Temple’s entablature reflects local architectural traditions that may be traced back to the Seleucid reign of Asia Minor during the Hellenistic era. The religious iconography of the Bronze and Iron Age indigenous Luwians is also present on the structure. The molding profile, cassettes, and modillions of the geison block contrasts with the pediment block’s imago clipeata, which attests to the insertion of Roman Imperial administrative policy in the provinces. The tension seen in the entablature’s iconography is the same as that played out along the new Roman provincial borders and the ‘ethne’ of southeast Asia Minor.

Adviser: Michael C. Hoff
