Art, Art History and Design, School of


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Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Fine Arts

Major: Art

Under the Supervision of Professor Mo Neal


am proud of my traditions. My work is a conglomeration of my life 's worth of teachings and skills. I see my past in my sculpture, not specific events or dates, but periods of developmental growth. I respond to my surroundings being either location or company. These reflect in my actions and attitude, and although humorous in some regards, items like clothing and other subject matter are closely related to my upbringing and were fundamental in my development as an artist and a person. My interest in the figure comes from our natural ability to relate to other human beings, or at least their representations. From a viewer's standpoint, a common ground or sense of self-reflection is made, verses static or nonrepresentational objects, emotional responses can be more focused, like shame, pity, or pride. I approach these self-referential works as contemplative objects. They embody thoughts of personal security, aspirations, and morality, as well as the various barriers placed upon these desires. It is through this self-€xploration that I hope to re-evaluate my notions of faults and virtues. The works presented in this thesis exhibition are to be viewed in relation to one other. This proximity informs the viewer that the exploration is of one individual. I hope to create a heightened sense of interaction through the integration of these sculptures into the viewer's space. Along with interactive poses, selective placement allows for closer viewer investigation. My attempts to confront my issues were derived not only for personal growth, but also to make my viewers confront and empathize with their own self-image. Before this exploration of self I am convinced that I was, and maybe still am a stranger to the one person I should know the most.
