Bureau of Business Research
Date of this Version
University of Nebraska News (1968) 47(21): 6 pages.
Nebraska County and City Population Estimates for 1967 (E. L. Hauswald)
Nebraska's population at the end of the 1967 is estimated to have been 1,521,654. This was an increase of 5,610 persons or nearly 0.4 percent for the year. The 1967 increase was markedly less than the 18,000 persons, or 1.2 percent increase estimated for 1966. Since April, 1960, the state's population is estimated to have increased about 7.8 percent. The estimated national increase for the same period was about 10.5 percent. Nebraska's growth continues to be notably below that of the Nation.
Business Summary (E. L. Burgess)
December's dollar volume of business in Nebraska (Table I) rose 2.1% from December, 1966. Physical volume for the same period rose 2.6%. In the U.S. the dollar volume increased 7.9% and the physical volume increased 4.3%. During the past twelve months Nebraska's dollar volume dropped below 1966 levels only twice (April and June) and the physical volume dipped only slightly one time (July). The business indicators and the number of months in 1967 that each was above 1966 levels are as follows: bank debits (12), construction activity (1), retail sales (10), life insurance sales (8), cash farm marketings (10), electricity produced (11), news-paper advertising (8), manufacturing emplo0yment (12), other employment (12), gasoline sales (8).
County Migration (E. S. Wallace)
Assuming the correctness of the Bureau's estimates of year-end population, it is possible to start with the 1960 Census, use the birth and death rate statistics, and calculate the migration into or out of each county since the Census. This has been done for the period April 1, 1960, through December 31, 1966, and the results are shown in Table III.