Bureau of Business Research


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Copyright 2018 Eric Thompson, UNL Bureau of Business Research


Prepared by the UNL College of Business, Bureau of Business Research


Nebraska consumer and business confidence rose during March 2018. The Consumer Confidence Index – Nebraska (CCI-N) rose to 106.8 in March from a value of 101.6 in February. The Business Confidence Index – Nebraska (BCI-N) rose to 110.4 in March from 107.4 In February. Both March values are well above the neutral level of 100.0 suggesting that business and consumer confidence are strong. When asked about the most important issue facing their business, customer demand was mentioned by 35 percent of respondents, while the availability and quality of labor was mentioned as the most important issue by 23 percent. Another 13 percent cited a need to improve businesses practices or competition from other businesses, especially on-line competitors. Households reported a variety of financial concerns with 52 percent choosing the cost of living including taxes, health care costs, major expenses (furniture, appliances, automobiles) and the general cost of living. Twenty percent reported that their primary financial issue was either paying off debt or saving and 12 percent indicated that their level of wages or income was their top concern.
