"Desert Explorations - A Videodisc Exhibit Designed for Flexibility" by Judy Diamond, Alan B. Bond et al.

Papers in the Biological Sciences


Date of this Version



Curator: The Museum Journal 32:3 (1989), pp. 161-173.


Published by American Museum of Natural History


Using an interactive exhibit does not provide the same experience for everyone. How visitors understand an exhibit, what associations it evokes, and even how it is physically utilized may differ widely. This article describes an exhibit that was designed to let visitors tailor their explorations to their own interests and motivation. The exhibit, called Desert Explorations, gives visitors choices of what to see and how to learn about what they see. This exhibit also is an example of a way of developing interactive videodisc exhibits that is relatively inexpensive yet may be tailored to a particular topic or hall. This technique adapts a commercially available videodisc by using a computer to add text, sounds, graphics, and the interface for exploring the images and information.
