Papers in the Biological Sciences


Date of this Version

January 1983

Document Type



From Cranes of the World by Paul A. Johnsgard (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1983; electronic edition: Lincoln, NE, 2008). Copyright © 1983 Paul A. Johnsgard.


Color photographs:

1. South African crowned crane, adult. Photo by K. B. Newman.
2. West African crowned crane, adults. Photo by author.
3. South African crowned crane, adult at nest. Photo by W. R. Tarboton.
4. Blue crane, adult incubating. Photo by K. B. Newman.
5. Blue crane, adults at nest. Photo by K. B. Newman.
6. Demoiselle crane, adult. Photo by author.
7. Wattled crane, adult incubating. Photo by W. R. Tarboton.
8. Wattled crane, adult. Photo by author.
9. Siberian crane, adult. Photo by author.
10. Siberian crane, adult. Photo by author.
11. Australian crane, adult. Photo by author.
12. Sarus crane, adult. Photo by author.
13. White-naped crane, adult. Photo by author.
14. Greater sandhill crane, adult incubating. Photo by author.
15. Greater sandhill crane, family. Photo by author.
16. Whooping crane, adults in flight. Photo by Tom Mangelsen.
17. Whooping crane, adults in Saskatchewan. Photo by Tom Mangelsen.
18. Japanese crane, adult. Photo by author.
19. Japanese crane, yearling birds. Photo by author.
20. Black-necked crane, adult. Photo by William Conway.
21. Black-necked crane, adult. Photo by William Conway.
22. Hooded crane, juvenile. Photo by author.
23. Eurasian crane, adult at nest. Photo by L. H. Walkinshaw.

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