Geographic Distribution: Smilisca baudinii (Mexican Treefrog). USA: Florida: Escambia Co., Louis A. Somma, Justin K. Anto, and Jakira A. Davis
Plestiodon egregius insularis (Cedar Key Mole Skink). Reproduction., Jake Scott, Kevin M. Enge, Louis A. Somma, and Richard D. Bartlett
Geographic Distribution: Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole). USA: Arizona., Addie Leimroth, Louis A. Somma, Dyrana N. Russell, Logan P. Cutts, Mason Ryan, Randall D. Babb, Karen E. Hajek, and Andrew T. Holycross
Geographic Distribution: Eleutherodactylus coqui (Common Coqui). USA: Florida., Louis A. Somma
James Davidson Fawcett (1933–2020): Imbibing with The Kiwi., Louis A. Somma
Geographic Distribution: Iguana iguana (Green Iguana): USA: Florida., Louis A. Somma and Mark T. Bailey
The Status of Two Species of Nonindigenous Lizards in Florida, the Slender Chameleon, Chamaeleo gracilis Hallowell 1842 and White-lined Chameleon, Furcifer lateralis (Gray 1831): A Corrigendum., Kenneth L. Krysko and Louis A. Somma
Geographic distribution: Acrantophis dumerili (Duméril’s Madagascan Ground Boa). USA. Florida., Louis A. Somma, Kenneth L. Krysko, and Laurence L. Conner
New Verified Nonindigenous Amphibians and Reptiles in Florida through 2015, with a Summary of More Than 152 Years of Introductions, Kenneth L. Krysko, Louis A. Somma, Dustin C. Smith, Christopher R. Gillette, Daniel Cueva, Joseph A. Wasilewski, Kevin M. Enge, Steve A. Johnson, Todd S. Campbell, Jake R. Edwards, Michael R. Rochford, Ryan Tompkins, Jeffrey L. Fobb, Scott Mullin, Christopher J. Lechowicz, Dallas Hazelton, and Alície Warren
Molecular Analysis Confirming the Introduction of Nile Crocodiles, Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti 1768 (Crocodylidae), in Southern Florida, with an Assessment of Potential for Establishment, Spread, and Impacts., Michael R. Rochford, Kenneth L. Krysko, Frank J. Mazzotti, Matthew W. Shirley, Mark W. Parry, Joseph A. Wasilewski, Jeffrey S. Beauchamp, Christpher R. Gillette, Edward F. Metzger III, Michiko A. Squires, and Louis A. Somma
Spreading Holiday Spirit and Northwestern Salamanders, Ambystoma gracile (Baird 1859) (Caudata: Ambystomatidae), Across the USA, Michael R. Rochford, Jeffrey M. Lemm, Kenneth Krysko, Louis A. Somma, Robert W. Hansen, and Frank J. Mazzotti
Cuban Treefrogs, Osteopilus septentrionalis (Duméril & Bibron 1841) (Anura: Hylidae), and other nonindigenous herpetofauna interdicted in Grenada, Lesser Antilles., Louis A. Somma and Paul R. Graham
Geographic Distribution: Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole). USA: Florida: Escambia Co., Louis A. Somma
First state record and interdiction for the Wood Slave, Hemidactylus mabouia (Moreau de Jonnès 1818) (Gekkonidae), in Maryland, USA., Louis A. Somma and William L. Grogan Jr.
Ramphotyphlops braminus (Brahminy Blindsnake): Predation, Louis A. Somma
Geographic Distribution: Osteopilus septentrionalis (Cuban Treefrog). USA: Florida: Bradford Co., Linda S. Stevenson and Louis A. Somma
Geographic Distribution: Hemidactylus mabouia (Wood Slave). USA: Florida: St. Lucie Co., Louis A. Somma
Geographic Distribution: Sphaerodactylus elegans elegans (Ashy Gecko). USA: Florida: Broward Co., Louis A. Somma and Kenneth L. Krysko
Geographic Distribution: Ramphotyphlops braminus (Brahminy Blindsnake). USA: Florida: Alachua Co., Louis A. Somma
Geographic Distribution: Ramphotyphlops braminus (Brahminy Blindsnake). USA: Florida: Volusia Co, Louis A. Somma and Paul E. Skelley
Hyla squirella (Squirrel Treefrog): Refugia., Louis A. Somma and David Serrano
Aspects of the ecology of a distinct population of Xenosaurus platyceps from Querétaro, México, Julio A. Lemos-Espinal, Geoffrey R. Smith, and Royce E. Ballinger
Ecology of Sceloporus undulatus speari (Sauria: Phrynosomatidae) from North-Central Chihuahua, Mexico, Julio A. Lemos-Espinal, Geoffrey R. Smith, Royce E. Ballinger, and Hobart M. Smith
Path to Extinction: Impact of Vegetational Change on Lizard Populations on Arapaho Prairie in the Nebraska Sandhills, Royce E. Ballinger and Kristin S. Watts
Do Worm Lizards Occur in Nebraska?, Louis A. Somma
Eumeces septentrionalis (Prairie Skink): Piscivory., Louis A. Somma
Geographic Distribution: Tropidoclonion lineatum (Lined Snake). USA: Nebraska: Douglas Co., Louis A. Somma and James D. Fawcett
The Water Vapor Conductance of Squamate Reptilian Eggs: The Influence of Scaling on Nesting Ecology., Louis A. Somma
Elaphe bairdi (Baird’s Rat Snake): Drinking Behavior., Louis A. Somma
Geographic Distribution: Lampropeltis c. calligaster (Prairie Kingsnake). USA: Nebraska: Thayer Co., Louis A. Somma and John F. Lokke
Alloparental Care in the Prairie Skink, Eumeces septentrionalis: A Case of Mistaken Identity?, Louis A. Somma
Notes on Maternal Behavior and Post-brooding Aggression in the Prairie Skink, Eumeces septentrionalis, Louis A. Somma
Reproduction in a Nebraska Sandhills Population of the Northern Prairie Lizard Sceloporus undulatus garmani, Royce E. Ballinger, Dale L. Droge, and Steven M. Jones
Herpetofauna of Mormon Island Preserve Hall County, Nebraska, Royce E. Ballinger, Steven M. Jones, and J. W. Nietfeldt
Distribution and Natural History of Amphibians and Reptiles in Western Nebraska with Ecological Notes on the Herpetiles of Arapaho Prairie, Royce E. Ballinger, John D. Lynch, and Patrick H. Cole
Catalogue of the Snakes of Nebraska With Notes on Their Habits and Distribution, W. Edgar Taylor
The Ophidia of Nebraska, W. Edgar Taylor