Paul Johnsgard: Comprehensive Vita and Bibliography, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds: An Introduction to North American Grasslands and the Practices Used to Manage Grasslands and Grassland Birds, Jill A. Shaffer and John P. DeLong
Nebraska's Wetlands: Their Wildlife and Ecology, Paul A. Johnsgard
A Late Miocene Accipitrid (Aves: Accipitriformes) from Nebraska and Its Implications for the Divergence of Old World Vultures, Zihui Zhang, Alan Feduccia, and Helen F. James
Use of Nape Tags for Marking Offspring of Precocial Waterbirds, Todd W. Arnold, Daizaburo Shizuka, Bruce E. Lyon, Jeffrey T. Pelayo, Katherine R. Mehl, Joshua J. Traylor, Wendy L. Reed, and Courtney L. Amundson
Group Size and Nest Spacing affect Buggy Creek Virus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) Infection in Nestling House Sparrows, Valerie A. Brown and Charles R. Brown
Sparrows Use Multiple Status Signals in Winter Social Flocks, Alexis S. Chaine, Kris A. Tjernell, Daizaburo Shizuka, and Bruce E. Lyon
A Nebraska Bird-Finding Guide, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Secretive Shorebirds: Nebraska’s Phantom Migrants, Paul A. Johnsgard
Hosts Improve the Reliability of Chick Recognition by Delaying the Hatching of Brood Parasitic Eggs, Daizaburo Shizuka and Bruce E. Lyon
A Place Called Pahaku, Paul A. Johnsgard
My Life in Biology: Paul A. Johnsgard, Paul A. Johnsgard
Communal Breeding: Clever Defense Against Cheats, Bruce E. Lyon and Daizaburo Shizuka
Coots Use Hatch Order to Learn to Recognize and Reject Conspecific Brood Parasitic Chicks, Daizaburo Shizuka and Bruce E. Lyon
Cooperation and competition: nepotistic tolerance and intrasexual aggression in western bluebird winter groups, Janis L. Dickinson, Melody Euaparadorn, Katherine Greenwald, Chandreyee Mitra, and Daizaburo Shizuka
A Nebraska Bird-Finding Guide, Paul A. Johnsgard
Celebrating Darwin's Legacy: Evolution in the Galapagos Islands and the Great Plains, Paul A. Johnsgard
Song of the North Wind: A Story of the Snow Goose, Paul A. Johnsgard and Paul Geraghty
Four Decades of Christmas Bird Counts in the Great Plains: Ornithological Evidence of a Changing Climate, Paul A. Johnsgard and Thomas G. Shane
Cranes of the World in 2008: A Supplement to Crane Music, Paul A. Johnsgard
Louis A. Fuertes and the Zoological Art of the 1926–1927 Abyssinian Expedition of The Field Museum of Natural History, Paul A. Johnsgard
Body Weights and Species Distributions of Birds in Nebraska's Central and Western Platte Valley, William C. Scharf, Josef Kren, Paul A. Johnsgard, and Linda R. Brown
Improving the Reliability of Molecular Sexing of Birds Using a W-Specific Marker, Daizaburo Shizuka and Bruce E. Lyon
Songs of the Wild: Temporal and Geographical Distinctions in the Acoustic Properties of the Songs of the Yellow-Breasted Chat, Jackie L. Canterbury
A Guide to the Natural History of the Central Platte Valley of Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard
A Guide to the Tallgrass Prairies of Eastern Nebraska and Adjacent States, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Birds of Nebraska, Revised edition 2007, Paul A. Johnsgard
Aid to the Identification of Waterfowl Breastbones, Parts I & II, David Oates
Using molt limits to age Western Bluebirds, Daizaburo Shizuka and Janis L. Dickinson
In Explorers' Footsteps: You can find nearly all the birds documented by Lewis and Clark in great refuges on the Great Plains, Paul A. Johnsgard
Sibley's New Twins: Book Review, Paul A. Johnsgard
Nebraska's Sandhill Crane Populations, Past, Present and Future, Paul A. Johnsgard
Migrations of the Imagination: Photographs by Michael Forsberg, Drawings, Sculptures and Quotations by Paul A. Johnsgard, and Additional Works of Art, Paul A. Johnsgard and Michael Forsberg
Comments on Nebraska's Falconiform and Strigiform bird fauna, Paul A. Johnsgard
The History of Life in Nebraska: A Time-Travel Adventure, Paul A. Johnsgard
Heeding the Call of the Sandhill Cranes, Malcolm G. Scully and Paul A. Johnsgard
A Century of Breeding Birds in Nebraska, Jackie Canterbury and Paul A. Johnsgard
Strategy for the Conservation of Non-Game Birds in the State of Nebraska, Jacqueline Lee Canterbury
A Century of Ornithology in Nebraska: A Personal View, Paul A. Johnsgard
Ecogeographic Aspects of Greater Prairie-chicken Leks in Southeastern Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard
Historic Birds of Lincoln's Salt Basin Wetlands and Nine-mile Prairie, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Age of Birds in Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Ultraviolet Birds of Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard
Marvelous, Mystical, Tropical Trogons, Paul A. Johnsgard and John Schmitt , Illustrator
Addendum to the G. M. Sutton Bibliography, Paul A. Johnsgard
A Half-Century of Winter Bird Surveys at Lincoln and Scottsbluff, Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard
Endemicity and Regional Biodiversity in Nebraska's Breeding Avifauna, Paul A. Johnsgard
In Memorium: Charles G. Sibley, Paul A. Johnsgard
Review of A Guide to the Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of North American Birds, Paul A. Johnsgard
Birds of the Cedar Point Biological Station Area, Keith and Garden Counties, Nebraska: Seasonal Occurrence and Breeding Data, Charles R. Brown, Mary Bomberger Brown, Paul A. Johnsgard, Josef Kren, and William C. Scharf
Daffy but Dapper: A Serious Approach to the Comical-Looking Ruddy Duck, Paul A. Johnsgard
Beguiled by Birds: A Profile of Paul Johnsgard, James L. Hayward and Paul A. Johnsgard
Crane Music, Paul A. Johnsgard
Nebraska Fauna: American White Pelican, Paul A. Johnsgard
Social Behavior of North American Owls, Paul A. Johnsgard
COMMON GOLDENEYE: Notes on Nebraska Fauna, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Monographic Literature of the Galliformes, Paul A. Johnsgard
Buzz-wings, Paul A. Johnsgard
Lead Poisoning of Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis), R. M. Windingstad, S. M. Kerr, L. N. Locke, and J. J. Hurt
Aspects of the Nesting Ecology of Least Terns and Piping Plovers in Central Nebraska, Craig A. Faanes
Cranes of the World [complete work], Paul A. Johnsgard
Hybridization & Zoogeographic Patterns in Pheasants, Paul A. Johnsgard
Etho-Ecological Apects of Hybridization in the Tetraonidae, Paul A. Johnsgard
Teton Wildlife: Observations by a Naturalist, Paul A. Johnsgard
Whooper Recount: A close look at these endangered cranes reveals that, while their numbers are increasing, their rate of increase is actually declining, Paul A. Johnsgard
Review of Observations of wildlife, Paul A. Johnsgard
Review of The Island Waterfowl by Milton W. Weller, and The Hawaiian Goose: An Experiment in Conservation by Janet Kear and A. J. Berger, Paul A. Johnsgard
Copulatory Behavior of the American Bittern [Short Communications], Paul A. Johnsgard
Where Have All the Curlews Gone?, Paul A. Johnsgard
Review of Endangered Birds. Management Techniques for Preserving Threatened Species, ed. Stanley A. Temple, Paul A. Johnsgard
The American Wood Quails Odontophorus, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Breeding Birds of Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard
Review of The Pheasants of the World, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Ornithogeography of the Great Plains States, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Triumphant Trumpeter: Once reduced to a few bevies, this magnificent swan is on the road to recovery, Paul A. Johnsgard
Sixty-five Years of Whooping Crane Records in Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard and Richard Redfield
Flight of the Sea Ducks, Paul A. Johnsgard
Seventy-five Years of Changes in Mallard-Black Duck Ratios in Eastern North America, Paul A. Johnsgard and Rose DiSilvestro
Quail Music: The complex calls of a bird contain clues to its evolution, Paul A. Johnsgard
Review of Curassows and related birds, Paul A. Johnsgard
The taxonomy and relationships of the northern swans, Paul A. Johnsgard
Waterfowl Portraits, Paul A. Johnsgard
Natural and Unnatural Selection in a Wild Goose, Paul A. Johnsgard
Proximate and ultimate determinants of clutch size in Anatidae, Paul A. Johnsgard
Experimental Hybridization of the New World Quail (Odontophorinae), Paul A. Johnsgard
Observations on sound production in the Anatidae, Paul A. Johnsgard
A Summary of Intergeneric New World Quail Hybrids, and a New Intergeneric Hybrid Combination, Paul A. Johnsgard
Review of Waterfowl in Australia by H. J. Frith, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Masked Duck in the United States, Paul A. Johnsgard and Dirk Hagemeyer
Some Observations on Maccoa Duck Behaviour, Paul A. Johnsgard
Some putative Mandarin Duck hybrids, Paul A. Johnsgard
The Evolution of Duck Courtship, Paul A. Johnsgard
A Review of Parental Carrying of Young by Waterfowl, Paul A. Johnsgard and Janet Kear
Distributional Changes and Interaction between Prairie Chickens and Sharp-Tailed Grouse in the Midwest, Paul A. Johnsgard and Robert E. Wood
Foraging dives by surface-feeding ducks, Janet Kear and Paul A. Johnsgard
Sympatry Changes and Hybridization Incidence in Mallards and Black Ducks, Paul A. Johnsgard
Behavior of the Australian Musk Duck and Blue-Billed Duck, Paul A. Johnsgard
Inheritance of Behavioral Characters in F2 Mallard x Pintail (Anas platyrhynchos L. x Anas acutas L.) Hybrids, Roger S. Sharpe and Paul A. Johnsgard
The Elusive Musk Ducks, Paul A. Johnsgard
comparative Behavior and Relationships of the Eiders, Paul A. Johnsgard