Papers in the Biological Sciences
Matt Reichenbach
Date of this Version
Document Type
Journal of Mathematical Biology (2021) 82:50
Ecologists have recently used integral projection models (IPMs) to study fish and other animals which continue to grow throughout their lives. Such animals cannot shrink, since they have bony skeletons; a mathematical consequence of this is that the kernel of the integral projection operator T is unbounded, and the operator is not compact. To our knowledge, all theoretical work done on IPMs has assumed the operator is compact, and in particular has a bounded kernel. A priori, it is unclear whether these IPMs have an asymptotic growth rate λ, or a stable-stage distribution ψ. In the case of a compact operator, these quantities are its spectral radius and the associated eigenvector, respectively. Under biologically reasonable assumptions, we prove that the non-compact operators in these IPMs share some important traits with their compact counterparts: the operator T has a unique positive eigenvector ψ corresponding to its spectral radius λ, this λ is strictly greater than the supremum of the modulus of all other spectral values, and for any nonnegative initial population ϕ0, there is a c > 0 such that T nϕ0/λn → c · ψ.
This is a U.S. government work