Biological Systems Engineering, Department of


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Date of this Version



Proceedings Of The Eleventh International Congress On Agricultural Engineering, Dublin, 4-8 September 1989, pp. 3056-3064.


Copyright 1989 A.A. Balkema Publishers. Used by permission.


Crop residue management is one of the best and most efficient soil conservation methods available to farmers. Determinations of the percentage of the soil surface covered with crop residue are often needed for: soil conservation research; erosion control demonstrations; and maintaining compliance with federal, state, or local soil conservation regulations. A number of methods can be used to estimate residue cover, however, many have limitations. To help overcome some of these limitations, a technique, which uses readily-available microcomputer-related hardware and standard video camera equipment has been developed to estimate crop residue cover from photographic slides. This procedure is relatively rapid, provides consistent results, eliminates the tedious nature of the standard photographic grid determination method, and has given excellent correlation with this standard technique.
