Biological Systems Engineering, Department of


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TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 258,259,260, 1982.


Copyright 1982 American Society of Agricultural Engineers


A 1979 field survey was conducted in Nebraska and western Iowa of 152 private and commercial pesticide applicators. The survey showed that only one out of every four cooperators were applying pesticides within 5 percent of their estimated application rate. Incorrect calibration accounted for the greatest amount of application errors and ranged from nearly 60 percent under application to more than 90 percent over application. Uniformity of the application was also in error. The coefficient of variation among nozzles for liquid applicators averaged 21.9 percent whereas granular applicators averaged 4. 7 percent among boxes. The survey also showed that the most common method of calibration was the Known Area method, but no statistical relationship between this method and accurate applications was measured.
