Biological Systems Engineering, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version



Irrig Sci (2009) 28:1–3


Copyright Springer-Verlag 2009


Water availability for irrigation throughout the world has been reduced in recent years due to a combination of frequent droughts and competition for water resources among agricultural, industrial, and urban users. In addition, some major agricultural areas face moderate to significant reductions of rainfall, or changes in timing of stream flow due to changes in timing of snowmelt, as a result of global climate change. Under such conditions, sophisticated irrigation water management will be required to optimize water use efficiency and maintain sufficient levels of crop productivity and quality. A key factor to achieve these targets is the estimation of actual evapotranspiration (ET). Accurate determination of ET can be a viable tool in better utilization of water resources through well-designed irrigation management programs. Reliable estimates of ET are also vital to develop criteria for in-season irrigation management, water resource allocation, long-term estimates of water supply, demand and use, design and management of water resources infrastructure, and evaluation of the effect of land use and management changes on the water balance.
