Bird Strike Committee Proceedings


Date of this Version

August 2005

Document Type



This presentation will discuss three information technologies currently available for management of aircraft birdstrike risk: The United States Air Force (USAF) Avian Hazard Advisory System (AHAS), the USAF United States Bird Avoidance Model (US BAM), and mobile bird detection radar systems. These three technologies have been under development since the mid-1990’s and efforts are now underway to exchange data and integrate the technologies.

In 2005 the USAF Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Team assigned responsibility for further development and refinement of the US BAM to the contractor team responsible for the ongoing development and operation of AHAS. The intent is to further integrate the BAM and AHAS. The objective is for the BAM to become a map oriented graphical user interface (GUI) to AHAS, in addition to the historic data it has previously provided. AHAS will also make greater use of BAM data in identifying risk areas on low level routes for pilots. Small Mobile Avian Radar Systems are being used to ground truth and refine the calibration of NEXRAD (WSR-88D) radar data. The intent is to use this data to refine the risk surfaces contained in the BAM and used by AHAS in assessing current risk. This methodology will allow small Mobile Avian Radar Systems deployed on airfields and ranges to refine the “big picture” of bird activity presented by AHAS.

As of 2005, three advanced information technologies are available to support effective management of aircraft birdstrike risk: AHAS, BAM and mobile bird detection radar systems. These are production technologies are operational and currently being integrated to provide a comprehensive information system capable of supporting both military and commercial birdstrike risk management programs.
