Bird Strike Committee Proceedings


Date of this Version

September 2007

Document Type



Airfields often provide very attractive habitat for many avian species, including a variety of raptor species. Avian wildlife at the Portland International Airport (PDX) poses the greatest wildlife strike risk to aircraft. More specifically, raptors at PDX are designated as “very high” for both the probability of a strike occurrence and the potential for extreme damage [Ref. 2004 PDX WHMP risk assessment based on model by Dr. J R Allan of the United Kingdom]. As such, raptors are the focus of much of the management efforts on this airfield. One of the biggest concerns for wildlife managers on the PDX airfield is the perching of large raptors, specifically red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), on airfield signage within the runway safety areas (RSA). Airfield signage creates perfect hunting perches throughout the grass infields of many airfields around the world due to the structure and the perching platforms they create. Many types of antiperching materials available commercially have been tried on airfield signs in the past with little or no negative impacts to the birds. However, data collected during a field trial of a product from the Zena Design Group shows promise in deterring perching by red-tailed hawks at PDX.
