Bird Strike Committee Proceedings


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Abstract of paper presented at Bird Strike Committee USA/Canada Meeting, Lake Mary and Sanford, Florida, August 18–21, 2008.


Since Brazil is a large country, associated to a small number of people working in bird strikes prevention, it was decided to create regional groups, composed by public administrators, Air Force Officers, teachers from universities, professionals from Civil Aviation Agency, airport managers, Justice representatives (prosecutors), and any one that could help us in our tasks. After establishing the group, some researches were made to determine the factors that were attracting birds in the chose airport area, and a schedule of tasks that should be done by each member of the group was created, with deadlines that could be in short, medium or long time. A date for the next meeting, when they could present the status of all the tasks that were in course, was defined. In all the airports that we worked in this way, the number of collisions was reduced. The Brazilian Bird Strike Control Committee controls all groups situation, and organizes meetings at four times per year. Brazil also conduces seminars every year, were procedures are discussed and new ideas from other countries are welcome (in 2008, our Seminar will be a joint one, with IBSC and CARSAMPAF).
