Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR)


Date of this Version



Bureau of Sociological Research. 2019. Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey Winter 2019. Methodology Report.


Copyright © 2019 BOSR, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Using NSF ERC Planning Grant funds ($7,500), we added X number of survey items to the 2019 Winter Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey (NASIS) conducted by the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR). In 2019 NASIS was conducted by mail. BOSR mailed surveys to a random sample of Nebraska households using Address Based Sampling. The CAFE ERC planning team added questions to NASIS along with other researchers at the University of Nebraska who shared the cost of the “core” questions (e.g. level of education, age, race/ethnicity, depression, religion, political orientation, quality-of-life topics, etc). Overall NASIS is a cost-effective way to collect information on public perceptions of a variety of topics. The sampling design for the winter NASIS 2019 mail survey “used a postal delivery sequence based sample of household addresses (ABS). The sample included addresses for individuals and households who have an address according to the US Postal Service. Advantages to this type of sampling design include the ability to mail to all sampled addresses as well as a very high coverage (98% for the United States (O’Muircheartaigh, 2012)). To maintain a probability sample, the adult (age 19 or older) in the household with the next birthday after January 1, 2019 was asked to complete the survey.” (2019 Winter NASIS Methodology Report; Bureau of Sociological Research p. 4). The BOSR purchased the sample from Dynata (2,400 cases) that consist of addresses throughout Nebraska. The initial mailing was February 28, 2019 and the data collection ended May 10, 2019. The survey contained 75 questions (10 from the CAFE ERC planning grant that created 56 variables) on 12 pages. Follow-up included reminder post cards and a second packet to non-responders. All surveys were in English. The total sample consists of 390 completed or partially completed surveys. The BOSR used the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) standard definition for Response Rate 2 to determine a response rate of 16.3%. The BOSR acknowledged that “The response rate was unusually low this year due to the severe flooding and blizzard in Nebraska that occurred shortly after the first mailing.” Because of more older people responding to the survey, in order to represent the state of Nebraska it is necessary to use the PWATE variable.
