Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute Faculty Fellow
Program Coordinator, Energy Science Minor
Departments of Biological Systems Engineering and Agronomy and Horticulture
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
203 L.W. Chase Hall
Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0726 United States
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Maize No-Till Agroecosystems in Southern Brazil Based on a Long-Term Experiment, Guilherme Rosa da Silva, Adam J. Liska, and Cimelio Bayer
A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for Nebraska: Livestock and Coal Loom Large, Eric R. Holley and Adam Liska
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Drought Projections for Nebraska, Adam Liska
Comprehensive and Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories for Nebraska and the Midwest as Baselines for Climate Change Mitigation, Eric R. Holley
Climate Change and Market-Based Insurance Feedbacks, Eric R. Holley, Adam Liska, Cory Walters, Geoffrey C. Friesen, Michael Hayes, Max J. Rudolph, and Donald A. Wilhite
The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data, Gilberto Pastorello, Timothy Arkebauer, Dave P. Billesbach, Anatoly Gitelson, Adam Liska, Andrew Suyker, Elizabeth Walter-Shea, and More than 200 other
Aesthetics, Ethics, and Lose-Lose Dilemmas in the Anthropocen, Adam Liska
Modeled and Measured Ecosystem Respiration in Maize–Soybean Systems Over 10 Years, Ming Zhan, Adam Liska, Anthony Nguy-Robertson, Andrew E. Suyker, Matthew P. Pelton, and Haishun Yang
Adam J. Liska: Curriculum vitae, Adam Liska
Water, Energy, and Carbon Footprints of Bioethanol from the U.S. and Brazil, Mesfin Mekonnen, Thiago L. Romanelli, Chittaranjan Ray, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Adam Liska, and Christopher M. U. Neale
Thermodynamic Limitations to Agricultural Productivity and Food Security: Livestock in Sub-Saharan Africa, Calvin Harman
Biofuels from Crop Residue: Soil Organic Carbon and Climate Impacts in the US and India, Adam Liska
Biofuels from Crop Residue: Soil Organic Carbon and Climate Impacts in the US and India, Adam J. Liska
Nuclear Weapons in a Changing Climate: Probability, Increasing Risks, and Perception, Adam Liska, Tyler R. White, Eric Holley, and Robert J. Oglesby
Adaptation to Climate Change via Insurance and Financial Incentives, Eric R. Holley
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory of the Centalized Renewable Energy System (CRES) at Nebraska Innovation Campus, Matan Gill and Adam Liska
ENSC 110 (Energy in Perspective) Bibliography, Supplementary Reading, Adam Liska
ENSC 300 (Energy Seminar) Annotated Bibliography, Supplementary Reading, Adam Liska
The Myth and the Meaning of Science as a Vocation, Adam Liska
Eight Principles of Uncertainty for Life Cycle Assessment of Biofuel Systems, Adam J. Liska
Uncertainties in life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. beef cattle, Quentin M. Dudley, Adam Liska, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
Agricultural Industry Advanced Vehicle Technology: Benchmark Study for Reduction in Petroleum Use, Roger M. Hoy, Rodney Rohrer, Adam Liska, Joe D. Luck, Loren Isom, and Deepak R. Keshwani
Climate Change and Its Implications for the Insurance Industry, Adam Liska and Eric Holley
Biofuels from crop residue can reduce soil carbon and increase CO2 emissions, Adam J. Liska, Haishun Yang, Maribeth Milner, Steve Goddard, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Matthew P. Pelton, Xiao X. Fang, Haitao Zhu, and Andrew E. Suyker
Reply to ‘CO2 emissions from crop residue-derived biofuels’, Adam Liska, Haishun Yang, Matthew P. Pelton, and Andrew E. Suyker
Ethics & Engineering, Adam Liska
The limits to complexity: A thermodynamic history of bioenergy, Adam J. Liska and Casey D. Heier
Life Cycle Boundaries and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Beef Cattle, Quentin M. Dudley
Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Life Cycle Assessment of Cellulosic Ethanol From Crop Residue, Xiao Xue Fang
Energy Issues Affecting Corn/Soybean Systems: Challenges for Sustainable Production, Douglas L. Karlen, David Archer, Adam Liska, and Seth Meyer
Accounting for indirect land-use change in the life cycle assessment of biofuel supply chains, Susan Tarka Sanchez, Jeremy Woods, Mark Akhurst, Matthew Brander, Michael O'Hare, Terence P. Dawson, Robert Edwards, Adam J. Liska, and Rick Malpas
Impact of Distillers Grains Moisture and Inclusion Level on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Corn-Ethanol-Livestock Life Cycle, Virgil R. Bremer, Adam Liska, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Kenneth Cassman, Kathryn J. Hanford, and Terry Klopfenstein
Effect of distillers grains moisture and inclusion level in livestock diets on greenhouse gas emissions in the corn-ethanol-livestock life cycle, Virgil R. Bremer, Andrea K. Watson, Adam J. Liska, Galen Erickson, Kenneth Cassman, Kathryn J. Hanford, and Terry Klopfenstein
Climate change policy could make Keystone XL obsolete, Adam Liska
Review of Gasoline, Diesel, and Ethanol Biofuels from Grasses and Plants, by Ram B. Gupta and Ayhan Demirbas., Adam J. Liska
Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ethanol and Biopolymers, Adam J. Liska and Xiao Xue Fang
Energy and Climate Implications for Agricultural Nutrient Use Efficiency, Adam J. Liska and Richard K. Perrin
Distillers Grains and Livestock are Important to Ethanol Energy and Greenhouse Gas Balance, Virgil R. Bremer, Adam J. Liska, Haishun Yang, Daniel T. Walters, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Richard K. Koelsch, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Emissions Savings in the Corn-Ethanol Life Cycle from Feeding Coproducts to Livestock, Virgil R. Bremer, Adam Liska, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Haishun Yang, Daniel T. Walters, and Kenneth G. Cassman
The other Gulf oil crisis - in Southwest Asia, Adam Liska
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Biofuels: Variability, Uncertainty, and Steps Toward Accurate Regulation, Adam J. Liska and Bruce E. Dale
Securing Foreign Oil: A Case for Including Military Operations in the Climate Change Impact of Fuels, Adam J. Liska and Richard K. Perrin
Opportunities for Nebraska in Future Carbon Markets: Final Technical Report for NCESR Project 3-#303, Richard K. Perrin, Adam J. Liska, and Lilyan E. Fulginiti
Dryland Performance of Sweet Sorghum and Grain Crops for Biofuel in Nebraska, Charles S. Wortmann, Adam Liska, Richard B. Ferguson, Drew J. Lyon, R. N. Klein, and Ismail M. Dweikat
Magnitude and Variability in Emissions Savings in the Corn-Ethanol Life Cycle from Feeding Co-Products to Livestock, Virgil R. Bremer, Adam Liska, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Haishun Yang, Daniel T. Walters, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Responses to “Comment on ‘Response to Plevin: Implications for Life Cycle Emissions Regulations’” and “Assessing Corn Ethanol: Relevance and Responsibility”, Adam Liska and Kenneth Cassman
Response to Plevin: Implications for Life Cycle Emissions Regulations, Adam Liska and Kenneth G. Cassman
Indirect Land Use Emissions in the Life Cycle of Biofuels: Regulations vs. Science, Adam J. Liska and Richard K. Perrin
Improvements in Life Cycle Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Corn-Ethanol, Adam J. Liska, Haishun S. Yang, Virgil R. Bremer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Daniel T. Walters, Galen Erickson, and Kenneth G. Cassman
BESS: Biofuel Energy Systems Simulator: Life Cycle Energy & Emissions Analysis Model for Corn-Ethanol Biofuel Production Systems -- User’s Guide for the BESS model, Adam Liska, Haishun Yang, Daniel T. Walters, Kenneth Cassman, Terry Klopfenstein, Galen Erickson, Virgil R. Bremer, Richard K. Koelsch, Dan Kenney, and Patrick Tracy
Looming Changes in the Energy Economy, Richard K. Perrin and Adam Liska
Developing LCFS for Biofuels: Getting it right for Corn Ethanol, Kenneth Cassman and Adam Liska
Food and fuel for all: realistic or foolish?, Kenneth G. Cassman and Adam J. Liska
Energy and Environmental Contributions of Corn-Ethanol, Adam Liska, Kenneth Cassman, and Haishun Yang
The Ripple Effect: Biofuels, Food Security, and the Environment, Rosamond L. Naylor, Adam Liska, Marshall B. Burke, Walter P. Falcon, Joanne C. Gaskell, Scott D. Rozelle, and Kenneth G. Cassman