Instructional Materials in Physics and Astronomy
Date of this Version
Perhaps at some time you have had occasion to swing a massive object at the end of a rope. Maybe you have watched a parent swing a child around by his outstretched arms or have been fortunate enough to watch an athlete throw the hammer. But all of you have heard or watched an automatic washer go through a spin-dry cycle. How was this spinning drum with holes in its periphery able to speed up the "drying" process? The clothes were too large to pass through the holes in the drum and were "held" in a circular path but the water droplets were small enough to pass through the holes. We all know what happens when the stone is no longer restrained in the revolving slingshot. The water droplets fly through the holes in a straight-line path and are then disposed of.
In this module you will explore the nature of the forces responsible for this circular motion. You will also look into the motion of several bodies connected together such as a plow to a horse, a train to a locomotive, or a barge to a tugboat.
From Study Modules for Calculus-Based General Physics
Copyright © 1975 CBP Workshop, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Reproduction rights granted.