Children, Families, and the Law, Center on


Date of this Version



Published by Midwest Child Care Research Consortium • Center on Children, Families and the Law, University of Nebraska-Lincoln • 121 S. 13th Street, Suite 302 • Lincoln, NE 68588 • 402.472.3479; 472.8412 (fax) •


Inclusion is a goal that is widely embraced for children with disabilities. The U.S. Dept. Education sets the target for 90% of children with disabilities to be enrolled in general education classes for 80% or more of school day (U.S. Department of Education, 1998). Early educators likewise support the rights of all young children to participate in a variety of natural environments within their communities. If this ambitious goal is to be met, more services must be provided in community child care. Yet quality child care choices are limited in availability, and parents of children with disabilities may have their own unique perspectives on what their children need in child care.

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