Department of Educational Administration


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A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts, Major: Educational Administration, Under the Supervision of Professor Richard E. Hoover. Lincoln, Nebraska: May, 2013

Copyright (c) 2013 Janet Goodman


This research study investigated the characteristics of a positive resident to resident peer assistant relationship. At Nebraska Wesleyan University, resident peer assistants “are trained students dedicated to giving their peers personal and academic guidance” (Nebraska Wesleyan University, 2011, sect. Peer Assistants). Peer Assistants work to “organize social and educational programming on their floors and in their buildings. They coordinate social activities and enforce community standards, university policies and state laws” (Nebraska Wesleyan University, 2011, sect. Peer Assistants). Two Residential Education Coordinators at Nebraska Wesleyan University recommended residents they believed had a highly interactive relationship with their resident peer assistants for interviews for this study. Students interviewed were asked about the relationship they had with their resident Peer Assistants, the programs sponsored by the resident Peer Assistants, and the expectations they had of their resident Peer Assistants. The study was conducted with the intention of implementing similar positive interactions in future resident peer assistant hiring, training, and programming requirements.

Adviser: Richard E. Hoover
