"Getting Families Involved in Students’ Education through Home Visits a" by Hakan Solak

Department of Educational Administration


Date of this Version

Winter 12-2-2010

Document Type



A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts, Major: Educational Administration, Under the Supervision of Professor Larry L. Dlugosh. Lincoln, Nebraska: December, 2010
Copyright 2010 Hakan Solak


Home visits are a model of communication after school time when school staff members actually go into students homes to foster a relationship among students, families, and teachers. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how home visits take place in a single charter school and how families are involved in the educational process of students at Midwestern Charter Schools.

Thirteen participants from Chicago Math and Science Academia (CMSA) were interviewed via an open-ended questionnaire. Additionally, two home visit observations were made by the primary investigator in the natural setting of the homes of two students. Through this form of communication, home visits by teachers and other school staff, families who participated in the study indicated they were more involved in their children’s educational process and teachers displayed their efforts to the parents about how much they care for the success of their children. As a result, home visits created a caring relationship between school and homes that increases the student engagement and student achievement.
