Department of Educational Administration


Date of this Version

Winter 12-1-2009

Document Type



A DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College in the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Education, Major: Educational Administration (UNL-UNO); Under the Supervision of Professor Larry L. Dlugosh
Lincoln, Nebraska: December, 2009
Copyright (c) 2009 John M. Weidner, Sr.


In 2009, a replication of the Pool study was conducted. This study, however, focused on the school systems classified as Class III districts. Nebraska has 252 Class III districts. Compared with Class II (21), Class IV (1), and Class V(1) districts, the Class III districts offer a wide array of school settings, from urban to extremely rural, and from the third largest school system in Nebraska to a single school district occupying a county in the western sandhills.

The survey responses were sorted and analyzed by five indices: Class, Quartile of Valuation per Pupil, Population Change Category of the 2008 county census, Original Date of Construction, and Instructional Type of Building. The answers submitted by the superintendents and building administrators were compared and analyzed against the responses tendered in 1993. The chi square test of independence and a log-linear analysis were utilized to determine if there were significant differences between the responses of the two generations of school administrators.

Significant differences were found between the opinions of the building administrators who participated in 1993 study and those who participated in the 2009 study. In 1993, 14% of building administrators perceived their facilities as over crowded. In 2009, approximately 5% shared that perception. In 1993, 46% of building administrators held the perception that their facilities did not accommodate the use of technology. In 2009, 30% of building administrators had the same opinion. In 1993, 32% of the buildings were reported as air conditioned. In 2009, 94% of the buildings were reported as air conditioned.

Significant differences were also found between the opinions of superintendents who participated in the 1993 study and those who participated in the 2009 study. These differences where in the surveyed areas of delayed maintenance, restructuring efforts, facilities that inhibited the use of technology, and the fiscal capability of their district of meet facility needs without raising taxes. In 2009, superintendents reported that the levy limitations restricted attempts to maintain facilities.
Advisor: Larry L. Dlugosh
