Department of Educational Administration
Document Type
Date of this Version
Summer 2020
New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development 32:3 (Summer 2020), pp. 5–19.
doi: 10.1002/nha3.20285
While there are numerous qualitative studies that explore civilian experiences in continuing professional education programs, there is a dearth of research on the professional military education (PME) system. These systems, which sustain continuing education and professional development for more than 2 million active and reserve members of the military, are navigated in a myriad of different ways, depending on the branch of service, active or reserve status, and ability to go to resident PME courses by using an online format. This study, using a narrative inquiry framework, explores the lived experience of seven reserve staff noncommissioned officers (SNCO) as they navigate the PME process. Through the process of narrative meaning-making, administrators and advocates of varying backgrounds are able to imagine how PME might be navigated in unique contexts and what it means to support those engaging in PME.
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Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Educational Administration and Supervision Commons
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