Department of Educational Administration


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INVITED ADDRESS, LIVING LEGEND, 2008, in Remember Our Mission:Making Education and Schools Better for Students THE 2009 YEARBOOK OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROFESSORS OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION, ed. C.M. Achilles, B.J. Irby, B. Alford, & G. Perreault. Lancaster, PA, 2009.


Copyright © 2009 by ProActive Publications


Following is the text of the speech I delivered as the recipient of the 2008 Living Legends Award at the annual meeting of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration in San Diego. The truth is, I've acquired a certain taste for anonymity when I speak to groups. Unfortunately, in this room this evening, I may not have that luxury. I expect I will not be able to embellish as many details tonight. I get to talk this evening because I have stood in the same spot long enough to have observed a few aspects of being a professor of educational administration. My focus tonight is on my preparation for the professoriate, the opportunities I have had, and the best aspects of my life as a professor.
